How to support Shakespeare’s Shadows by rating and reviewing

Have you ever discovered a podcast via the search engine or homepage of an app like Apple Podcasts or Spotify? Well, the podcasts on those pages and in those search results didn’t end up there at random. It’s all part of an algorithm — and one thing that can boost a podcast’s visibility there is a positive review, along with a 5-star rating. Those reviews then give potential followers insight into the show, helping them decide if it’s worth a listen.

How to post a review on Apple Podcasts on your iOS Device

  1. Open the Apple Podcast app

  2. Go to the icons at the bottom of the screen and choose “Search”

  3. Search for “Shakespeare's Shadows"

  4. Click on the show, not an individual episode

  5. Scroll all the way down to “Ratings and Reviews”

  6. Click on “Write a Review”

  7. Type or paste in your review then click “send”

If you prefer to not have your Apple ID listed as the name of the reviewer, here is a short video tutorial on how to edit your Apple nickname.


How to post a review on Apple Podcasts via a computer from a web browser

  1. Visit the Shakespeare's Shadows Apple Podcasts page in your web browser

  2. Click on “Listen on Apple Podcasts”

  3. This will prompt you to open the Apple Podcasts application — allow the popup and switch to the Podcasts application.

  4. Scroll all the way down to “Ratings and Reviews”

  5. Click on “Write a Review”

  6. Click on the stars to rate (5 stars if you’re so inclined!), and type or paste in your review then click “send”

How to rate the podcast on Spotify

  1. Open the Spotify app

  2. Go to the icons at the bottom of the screen and choose “Search”

  3. Search for “Shakespeare's Shadows”

  4. Click on “Shakespeare’s Shadows” then click “About”

  5. You’ll see the podcast’s average star rating. Click on that to add your own rating.


Here’s what listeners are saying about Shakespeare’s Shadows in reviews

And here are some other ways you can support the podcast.

Thank you for tuning in, and thank you for your support!